A memorial service for Gordon Keith Ware will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday, at The Little Home Church by the Wayside, 32W128 Army Trail Road, Wayne. Mr. Ware was the former president of the Chicago Roller Skate Bros. Manufacturing … Continue reading

A memorial service for Gordon Keith Ware will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday, at The Little Home Church by the Wayside, 32W128 Army Trail Road, Wayne. Mr. Ware was the former president of the Chicago Roller Skate Bros. Manufacturing … Continue reading
“Whoever saves one life, saves the World entire.” The Talmud (as referenced in Schindler’s List) Anna Maxell Levin-Ware survived the Holocaust. Her survival made possible nine new lives. Anna is survived by her four children: Maxine, Eleanor, Robert (Bobby),and Susan … Continue reading
Source: Richmond Times Dispatch, March 17, 1946, p.46 … Continue reading
“MUNCIE–Mary Elizabeth Hall Ware, 77, passed away Friday, December 30, 2011 at her residence following an extended illness. She was born in Indianapolis, grew up in Eaton and Muncie, graduated from Burris High School in 1951, and earned her Master’s … Continue reading
”Justus Nathan Baird. Since his admission to the Kansas bar in February, 1909, Justus Nathan Baird has concentrated every energy upon the worthy task of building up a clientage and reputation at Kansas City, Kansas, and the esteem paid him … Continue reading
“WARE, Elmer Edwin, Acme White Lead & Color Works. Detroit, and Sherwin Williams Co., Cleveland; res. 147 Westminster Av.. Detroit, Mich. Chem. Engr; b. Shortsville, N. Y., April 30, 1880; s. James A. and Frances E. (Wheaton) Ware; B.S. in … Continue reading
“WARE, Lyman, physician: born Granville, Ill., Nov. 11, 1841; son of Ralph and Lucinda A (Clark) Ware; ed. Granville Acad, and the University of Michigan; served in 132d Ill. Vol. Inf. in Civil War as hosp. steward; M.D., Northwestern Univ., … Continue reading
“Lyman Ware, M.D. was born November 11, 1841, and is a son of Ralph and Lucinda (Clark) Ware, both parents being natives of Massachusetts, where the Ware family located in the 17th century. On the mother’s side the Clarks came … Continue reading