Frederick A Ware (1865 – )

“WARE, Frederick A.:  Lawyer; s. Richard F. and Amelia F. (Klauberg) Ware; grad. G.P.S. No. 26, 1881 (pres. Graduate Ass’n); Coll. City of N.Y.; Columbia Law Sch., LL.B., 1887; m. N.Y. City, 1897, Evelyn Cervantes; children: Frederick K.C. b. 1900, … Continue reading

Franklin Backus Ware (1873 – )

“WARE Franklin Backus:  Architect: b. N.Y. 1873; s. James E. and Edith C. (Backus) Ware; grad. architectural dep’t, Columbia Univ., Ph.D., 1891; m N.Y. City, June 11, 1903, Grace Imlach. Corporal Co. B. 7th Reg’t, N.Y.N.G.  Mem. B’d of Aldermen.  … Continue reading